Swedish Fascia Vibes treatment on dogs
Spondylosis-affected police dog Troja tested new Swedish Fascia Vibes and after a series of treatments she went from barely being able to walk even 5 minutes to today being able to walk 20-30 minutes.
Spondylosis-affected police dog Troja tested new Swedish Fascia Vibes and after a series of treatments she went from barely being able to walk even 5 minutes to today being able to walk 20-30 minutes.
Spondylosis-affected police dog Troja tested new Swedish Fascia Vibes and after a series of treatments she went from barely being able to walk even 5 minutes to today being able to walk 20-30 minutes.
Atlasbalans M2 use 400-1200 harmonic pulsations per minute which put the fascia in motion, creating waves which spread over large areas, both deep and wide, increasing relaxation, circulation and fluid flow.
Atlasbalans M2 use 400-1200 harmonic pulsations per minute which put the fascia in motion, creating waves which spread over large areas, both deep and wide, increasing relaxation, circulation and fluid flow.
Atlasbalans M2 use 400-1200 harmonic pulsations per minute which put the fascia in motion, creating waves which spread over large areas, both deep and wide, increasing relaxation, circulation and fluid flow.